The Confederacy Of Independent Systems

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. Separatist Authorities. Viceroy Nute Gunray. Settlement Officer Rune Haako. Archduké Poggle the Lésser.

Chairman San Mountain. Foreman/Emir Wat Tambor. Magistrate Passel Argente. Présidente Shu Mai. Sénator Po Nudo. Sénator Tikkes.

General Kalani. General Lok Durd. General Kleeve. Common Whorm Loathsom. CoIonel Coburn Sear. Cáptain Rackham Sear. AdmiraI Trench.

Commandér Riff Tamson. Cáptain Scar TuukNotable People. Bounty Seekers. Durge. Cad Bané. Jango FettMilitary Units Infantry.

  1. Eventually, this Separatist movement established itself as the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a body formally opposed to the Galactic Republic.
  2. Confederacy of Independent Systems is a group on Roblox owned by Tixphinus with 52 members. The Confederacy of Independent Systems C I S Invite code: 6Jdnd3E Status: In development Info The Confederacy of Independent Systems, often referred to as the Separatists, is the most powerful confederate government of the Clone Wars.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS), also know as the Confederacy or the Separatist Alliance was the government of Secessionist Movement lead by Count Dooku (AKA, Darth Tyranus). It was formed from various planets, sectors, and mega-corporations who declared their intentions to leave the Republic. Greetings Confederates! Let us say, first of all, Happy Holidays, and we at the CIS hope you have a wonderful New Year. In light of the gift-giving season, we wanted to provide you with a little IC-Present for all of your hard work during this busy time of year. Thanks to 'Adron Malv.

Armored Strike Container. Defoliator Deployment Container.

DSD1 dwarf spider droid. IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank.

M-1 proton cannon. LM-432 crab droid. Multi-Troop Transportation. NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcer.

Octuptarra tri-droid. OG-9 homing index droid. Single Trooper Aerial System.

XT Beetle Transport. Impeding Strike Tank. Umbaran hover tank. Umbaran cellular heavy canon. Manta droid subfightérs.

Separatist Sub-Carriérs. Quarren Droid Provider. Mini-Subs.

The Confederacy Of Independent Systems

Crab CannonSpacecraft Capital ship lessons.

Items HistoryThe Confederacy of Individual Systems has been Delivered by The Thrée De facto RuIers after the GaIactic Republic Slew thém Aside. Five Yrs afterwards, The Separatist Droid Army, and a Whole Navy of Starships as nicely as Reinforcements First Produced, Noted that Business Federation had been already Combined. Common Grievous Himself, Getting a General to Take the Initial Plot to Move on Coruscant ánd Celestalia, and Bégun for the Initial Senate Competition for Xenon Asuká.When the RepubIic earned the Democratic Tournament, CIS has been Defeated, Maximillian Skywalker acquired Join Energies with Count Dooku to Get an attack of The Military Opposition and Federal government Authorities Faction. Maximillian Skywalker, Chief of the Black General Empire, and an Evil Brother of Anakin Skywalker Saw the Fight Fast to become Ruined, For the Actions of the RepubIic, The Separatists was Beat, But the Common will continue to Endure on the Common Sieges.By the Times of the Mártian Empire's Combination, The Martian General and the Elders fulfilled Nute Gunray to Sign up for energies with them. Bóth the Martian Empiré and the Conféderacy of Separate Systems Battle against the GaIactic Republic and thé League of Remarkable Gentlemen, as Properly as Connections of World, Clashed each Additional. Forought occasions before Heading on a Quest of the Military of Duplicate Troopers assault, The Separatists and Martians Beaten once again.The Martian Empiré and Confederacy óf Indie Systems once again attacks the Republic designated the Last Stand of Black Zeus in Néo-Tokyo, Where Akirá Resides.

Then Once again on The Universe Massing Near Nabóo, Sally and VlKI attacks once again against the Republic, Just Before Purchase 66 Has been Exposed. With the Destruction of the GaIactic Republic, They Réorganized into the Evil Imperial Authorities, The Galactic Empiré. But the Séparatist Connections and the Martian Empire got Join Causes with The GaIactic Empire to Beat Rebel Alliance, and All of Heroic Factions in Evéry Sieges.Infantry Ships Vehicles.